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bKash provided financial assistance to fire-hit agents

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  • Update Time : শুক্রবার, এপ্রিল ২১, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Ahead of the Eid-ul-Fitr, bKash has handed over financial assistance of Tk 30,000 each to 64 bKash agents who were affected by the devastating fire in Bangabazar, New Super Market and Uttara’s BGB Market in the capital.

The fire-hit bKash agents of Bangabazar and New Super Market received their assistance digitally in their bKash account on Thursday at an even in the city’s New Market area while the agents from BGB market received the money digitally at a separate programme in Uttara.

Among the agents receiving the financial aid, 44 are from Bangabazar, 12 from New Super Market, and 08 from Uttara’s BGB Market. The shops of these agents were burnt to ashes during the fire incidents respectively on 4th April at Bangabazar, 15th April at New Super Market and 17th April at BGB Market.

Besides, it is to be noted that earlier, Tk 25,000 each from the Prime Minister’s relief fund was sent as Eid gift to the bKash account of fire-affected shop owners and employees of Bangabazar market with agility, transparency and trust.

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