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Bengal Commercial Bank held it’s 3rd Quarter Business Review Meeting

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, নভেম্বর ৩, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter Dhaka : Bengal Commercial Bank successfully held its 3rd quarter Business Review Meeting for the year 2022 on Monday, the 24th October at the Bank’s Head Office, 94 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka.

Tarik Morshed, Managing Director & CEO of the Bank presided over the meeting and reviewed the overall business performances of the said period. Mr. Morshed also ventilated the future course of action before the officials for achieving the ultimate goals of the Bank.

Shahid Hossain, Adviser to the Bank; K.M. Awlad Hossain, DMD & CBO; Md. Rafiqul Islam, DMD & CTO; Divisional Heads and all Branch Managers of the Bank took part in the Business Review Meeting.

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