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Application and Registration fees of Class XI, Technical and Diploma through bKash

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, জানুয়ারি ৩, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Admission related fees of class XI, Technical and Diploma for 2022-23 session can be paid through bKash conveniently. The first phase of application of all education boards is already over. The students, selected in the first phase, will need to confirm their admission by paying the registration fee through bKash in between 1st January to 8th January. Besides, the application and registration fees of 2nd and 3rd phases can also be paid through bKash.

Due to this digital service, applicants can now pay their admission application and registration fees conveniently, swiftly and safely through bKash app anytime, from anywhere. As a result, students including those from remote areas can avoid visiting the educational institutions in person and pay fees from the comfort of their homes.

Applicants can see all the updates regarding admission by clicking on this link – http://xiclassadmission.gov.bd/. They can avail a BDT 3 cashback while paying any type of class XI admission fees via bKash app. A user can enjoy the cashback offer highest 10 times till January 31.

To pay the registration fee from bKash app, one needs to tap on ‘Education Fee’ icon. Then user needs to tap on ‘XI Class Admission’, put the name of education board, passing year, roll number and mobile number to complete following steps. In last step, after checking the fee amount, the transaction will be successful with bKash PIN. Upon successful transaction, applicant will get a message and a digital receipt. An SMS will also be sent to the user’s contact number which should be saved for future reference.

Following the same process, applicants can apply for Technical and Diploma admission by selecting ‘BTEB’ from ‘Education Fee’ option of bKash app.

Detailed information on payment of fees can be found on this link – https://www.bkash.com/en/campaign/charge-free-on-admission-fee.

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