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Annual Agent Banking Conference 2025 Held by Southeast Bank

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  • Update Time : শনিবার, জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২৫,

Today, January 4, 2025, Saturday : Southeast Bank PLC. organized the "Annual Agent Banking Conference 2025” at the bank's head office. The event was inaugurated by the Honorable Chairman of the Southeast Bank PLC., Mr. M.A. Kashem as the chief guest.
In his speech, the honorable Chairman, Mr. M.A. Kashem, stated, “Agents are vital business partners of Southeast Bank. Along with bringing banking services to remote areas, agent banking
outlets play a crucial role in remittance collection from abroad and remitting funds to remote areas within the country. Their tireless efforts significantly contribute to financial inclusion and economic growth. We are grateful for their valuable contributions and are committed to working even more closely with them.”
The event was attended by all proprietors of Southeast Bank’s 132 agent banking outlets across the country. Mr. Nuruddin Md. Sadeque Hossain, Managing Director, Mr. Abidur Rahman
Chowdhury & Mr. Masum Uddin Khan, Deputy Managing Directors of Southeast Bank PLC along with other bank officials were also present in the conference. During the conference, the overall progress of Southeast Bank’s agent banking activities in 2024 was reviewed, and various policies were discussed to achieve the business targets for 2025.
Southeast Bank's agent banking facility, "Shagotom" was launched in the month of March of2021.
The bank has been working to extend banking services to remote areas of the country, focusing on farmers, small entrepreneurs, and school banking, while maintaining its commitment to
financial inclusion. The "Shagotom" agent banking facility provides both Islamic (Tijarah) and conventional banking services nationwide through its outlets.
Through the "Shagotom" agent banking facility, alongside traditional banking services, customers can also avail of modern and technology-driven Islamic banking services under the "Tijarah"
brand. Customers can open savings and current accounts, deposit and withdraw cash, transfer funds, transfer money to any bank account through BEFTN, receive remittance services, process
debit cards, credit cards, and checkbooks, access micro, SME, and agricultural loans, pay utility bills, receive government allowances, avail consumer loans, pay loan installments, and use internet
banking services. Additionally, customers can enjoy 24/7 essential banking facilities through Recycler ATMs installed at agent outlets.
The primary goal of Southeast Bank's agent banking facility, "Shagotom” is to provide convenient banking services to the remote area of Bangladesh and make banking accessible to all customers.

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